Sap Source List Agreement

Can there be multiple providers on the source list? When you create scheduling agreements, you must maintain source lists in the SAP ME01 transaction. Stationary source – The Fix indicator must be set if this supplier is the preferred source of supply for the material in this plant. The system uses this indicator to select the stationary source in the source determination. Manually creating a source list record is useful when you need to create a single new record or manage additional lists in an existing record. Let`s say by way of illustration that a company has to buy Ethernet coaxial cables outside. Based on price, delivery time and other factors, a suitable supplier was determined. The employee who creates purchase requisitions must maintain a list of sources for the material and link it to the supplier. Let`s see how to manually create a list of sources for this scenario. We maintain the list of sources for a material and have contracts that are specified in the list of sources. However, when we create a purchase order, the system takes the net price of the item from the information record and does not refer to the contract price specified in the source list. In addition, when creating the contract, I obviously do not see the contract number in the Framework Agreement field.

If the list of sources is marked as relevant to MRP, this material is taken into account when running the schedule. In this case, the purchase requisition is automatically created with the associated source list sets and no further user action is required. Request scheduling The source determination list can be created in two ways: The SAP source list includes the list of suppliers that must be purchased for a material at a specific plant and for a specific period of time. The list is created by combining materials and facilities and indicates the period of validity during which the supplier is the preferred source of supply. It is also determined whether the source is fixed, blocked, or relevant for material requirements planning (DISPOSITION). In the following sections, we first identify the prerequisites for applying the source list feature. Next, we review the fields in the source list card. Next, we list the different methods of creating a source list and create a record by illustrating an example. Finally, we will show how to use the list of sources when creating purchase requisitions. A source of supply is identified in the source list as follows: However, without requesting a source list, you can still manage a source list and SAP will use it. You can also set the source list requirement at the factory level Although an SAP source list is a master data record that can be created by an authorized user at any time, some settings force the use of a source list. The list of sources can be set as factory-level required by configuration.

It can also be required at the material level via a material master data parameter. The challenge with source lists is that they can be very large and while they are not complex, working with the user interface is tedious when the lists are particularly large. Agreement/Article – These fields can be filled in if there is a framework agreement between the supplier and the company. This framework agreement can be a contract or an scheduling agreement. The Article field is the article number of the material in the framework agreement. – If this field is left blank, the supplier is not taken into account in determining the source within MRP. Enter all relevant information to create the purchase requisition, including hardware, quantity, delivery date, and factory. You now have several options to get the provider from the source list. Create a purchase requisition You can also automatically generate a source list record for each information record or hierarchical agreement by selecting a single material or multiple materials. In an SAP system, each supplier can be entered into the source list of a specific material for a specific factory and/or purchasing organization.

You can manage source lists in the system using the ME01 transaction or via the Logistics – Material Management – Purchasing – Master Data – Maintain maintenance of the source list navigation path. If you assign it manually in ME57 or when creating a PR with ME51N, you must manually select the contract item or ensure that the fixed source flag is set to the contract item in the source list. Please also note that the list of sources is extremely useful if you assign a source when creating PRs. If you assign the source for the contract during the PR, the converion system takes this into account. But whenever you want to create a contract-related order, mention it in the aggregation field with the item, and then the aggregation details will enter the purchase order. Then use the information update indicator in order to update the information record with the new price. First, you can click the Source tab in the item`s details pane. Then click the Assign Source button to assign the provider from the source list record. Assign source of supply – If you enter “1” in this field, this supplier is considered the source of purchase requisitions generated in MRP. Click Save to save the source list request for the attachment(s).

The list of sources identifies preferred sources of supply for specific materials. If the list of sources has been properly kept up to date, the source of a material and the period during which you can order the material from the source are indicated. In the process of creating materials with MM01 (master material) in the purchases view in other data, you can use source lists by selecting the source list option that makes it mandatory to manage a source list. The list of sources indicates which source of supply is valid for a given period. It is also possible to specify a preferred source as defined for a certain period of time in the list of sources. In the case of automatic source determination, the system then suggests exactly that source, even if there are other potential sources. What else did you have in the list of sources? Is there an element marked as a stationary source? or relevant MRP? The list of sources contains a list of possible sources of supply for a material within a given period of time. Yes, the delivery date on the order is good with the contract data and also the data from the source list. If you manually create a purchase requisition in SAP S/4HANA and the system determines multiple valid equivalent sources of supply, you must manually select the corresponding source from a list. If you want the system to make this selection itself, you can also use the list of sources. I only had one supplier mentioned in the list of sources with the contract number. Below is an example of a primary source list record that displays each of these fields: Now that we have determined that a source list is required at different levels, we go through the fields of a primary source list record: Yes.

If a source is specified in the list of sources, only that source is selected when the pr. Otherwise, it will suggest a record of information, a list of sources, an aggregation. Make sure that the framework contract in the source list has a valid date and a valid date that covers the dates of creation and delivery of the order. If the system finds a quota system for the equipment that is valid for the required date, the system designates that supplier as the source of supply and assigns a certain quota to the company of the total quantity of material to be delivered. If another factory is a possible source of supply (inventory transfer), enter the factory number in the PPl field of the SAP GUI transaction or in the Procurement factory field of the SAP Fiori application and do not enter a vendor number or hierarchical item number. The plant is only determined as a source of supply for a purchase requisition line with item type U (stock transfer). For purchase requisitions created by the execution of the planning, the materials require a corresponding special type of supply in the MRP data of the material sheet. .